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Is Your Website Trustable?


When we arrive at a website, we do not want pop-up ads, blinking banners, and flashing gifs all over the place. We expect a professional website that reflects the content contained on the page. If a page is sloppy, disorganized, or seems out-of-date, we tend to mistrust the website.

When someone arrives at your website, you hope they purchase your product or service. So how do we gain our visitor's trust? Following are a few tips to make sure your website is trustworthy.

Make sure the content on your website is up to date, relevant to your business, and factual. Spell check all content and proofread to ensure accuracy. Check the links on your website regularly; even if the pages on your site stay the same, external links may change. Include alt tags and use other accessibility techniques so anyone can utilize your website. Each page should load quickly and be mobile-friendly.

Purchase your domain name and use it for your website and email. A professional presence includes a domain name URL for your website and email addresses. For example, your law firm's name is Johnson and Perk PC. Which of the following URLs makes you feel more secure? (http://www.johnsonandperkpc.com) or (http://www.somedomain.com/lawyers/johnsonperk). I think it is obvious. The same is true for email addresses. Which one gives you confidence? (kjohnson@johnsonandperkpc.com) or (kjohnson@yahoo.com).

We should never judge a book by its cover, but we almost always consider the Title, Author, and content. These initial tips lay the groundwork for a trustable site, but there is more to do.

Each page of your website should include either contact information or a link to a contact page. Include Your business name, address, phone number, and email address wherever your contact information is displayed. An email form can replace your email address. Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to contact someone when you have a question about a product or service. Many visitors will move on to a competitor if they cannot contact you.

Your website should have an About page. Include information about your business, the owners, staff, and even the company founders. Provide pictures if possible. If it looks like the owners don't want to be associated with the business, why would a visitor? Knowing who we are doing business with makes us all feel more comfortable.

If you sell items on your site, use the latest in security. Your website should include a secure server, a secure payment gateway, and compliance with all regulatory rules. Human readable privacy policy and terms of service should be available. Your reputation depends on the steps taken to secure your visitor's purchases.

A simple review of your website can go a long way to determine if it is trustable. View your site with an open mind and ask yourself, would I trust this website?

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