Monarch Basketball Highlights
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Monarchs vs Carroll
#2 Jake Fink & #11 Luke Wiebers ran through an offensive-defensive drill.
#1 Nash Langenfeld & #3 Chandler Perrien paired up for the drill.
#13 Blaine Grady & #15 Linkin Beeck ran through the drill.
#3 Chandler during warm-ups.
Lucky Lanes Bowling
Lucky Lanes Bowling
#3 Chandler went to the hoop.
#22 Lance Arkfeld followed #3 Chandler to the net.
#32 Kole Towne during warm-ups.
#2 Jake fired off the shot from the lane.
#1 Nash went to the hoop.
#15 Linkin went to the hoop.
#13 Blaine put up a jump shot.
#24 Easton Emery fired off a shot from the key.
#13 Blaine passed the ball.
#15 Linkin sent the ball to #3 Chandler.
#10 Camdyn Nemitz sent the ball to #24 Easton.
#32 Kole cut the angel of #1 Nash's shot.
The Monarchs gathered on the sideline before introductions.
The player were preparing for the game.
The Cheerleaders brought the fans to their feet.
#2 Jake was the first starter to be introduced.
#11 Luke joined #2 Jake on the floor.
#13 Blaine was the third starter introduced.
#22 Lance was introduced and headed over to greet his opponent.
#24 Easton was the final starter introduced.
The players rallied before the game started.
#22 Lance was in the position to handle the tip-off.
#24 Easton and the players waited for the referees.
#22 Lance tipped the ball.
The players crashed in on the ball.
4M Auto Repair
4M Auto Repair
#2 Jake gained control of the ball.
#2 Jake headed upcourt.
#11 Luke drove into the lane as #22 Lance blocked the Carroll player.
#11 Luke split the defenders on his way to the basket and added two points to the scoreboard.
Totten Plumbing & Heating
Totten Plumbing & Heating
#2 Jake was the front line for the defense as Carroll brought the ball upcourt.
#11 Luke handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake passed the ball to the side of the court.
#11 Luke passed the ball over the defender's head.
#22 Lance jumped to block the shot.
Langenfeld Contracting
Langenfeld Contracting
#11 Luke handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake headed upcourt.
#2 Jake passed the ball out to #13 Blaine.
#13 Blaine landed the jump shot from the perimeter.
#24 Easton pressured the Carroll ball handler as he moved across the floor.
#11 Luke jumped to block the ball.
#11 Luke went after the ball after knocking it away from the ball handler.
#11 Luke pressured the ball handler.
#11 Luke went after the ball.
#24 Easton closed in on the ball handler.
#24 Easton handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake and #24 Easton headed upcourt.
#2 Jake passed the ball to #11 Luke.
#11 Luke sent the ball to #24 Easton.
#24 Easton landed the three-point shot.
#13 Blaine covered the Carroll player.
#13 Blaine pressured the ball handler into stepping out of bounds.
#11 Luke tossed the inbound pass to #2 Jake.
#2 Jake brought the ball upcourt.
#22 Lance passed the ball out to #11 Luke.
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
#11 Luke took the shot from the perimeter for three points.
#11 Luke went after the ball.
#11 Luke tapped the ball away from the Carroll player.
#11 Luke was chasing the ball down when the whistle blew.
#24 Easton covered the ball handler.
#22 Lance blocked the view of the Carroll shooter.
Moeller Trucking
Moeller Trucking
#22 Lance pulled in the rebound.
#11 Luke handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake gave out instructions after bringing the ball upcourt.
#13 Blaine passed the ball as the defender closed in on him.
#13 Blaine was in the lane when #11 Luke passed the ball to him. The defenders closed in on Blaine.
The defenders pressured him on his way to the hoop.
#11 Luke pressured the ball handler.
#24 Easton went after the ball as #11 Luke blocked the shooter from above.
#24 Easton knocked the ball away from the Carroll player.
#11 Luke sent the inbound pass to #2 Jake.
#2 Jake pulled in the defenders and sent the ball to #11 Luke.
#11 Luke moved into the lane and passed the ball to the top of the key.
#2 Jake fired off the shot from the perimeter.
#22 Lance went after the rebound.
#22 Lance fought and kept control of the ball.
#22 Lance dropped the ball through the net for two points.
#2 Jake attempted to block the pass.
#24 Easton covered the ball handler.
#13 Blaine pressured the Carroll player.
#2 Jake pressured the Carroll player as he tried to enter the lane.
#2 Jake pulled in the rebound.
The players headed upcourt. (86)
#22 Lance caught the pass as the defender pressured him.
The defender fell to the floor when #22 Lance went to the hoop.
Coach Fink gave instructions as #24 Easton came off the floor.
#3 Chandler closed in on the Carroll player.
#32 Kole covered the ball handler.
#3 Chandler pressured the ball handler.
#11 Luke pulled in the rebound for the Monarchs.
#11 Luke brought the ball upcourt and passed it down the side of the court.
CarQuest Auto Parts
CarQuest Auto Parts
#22 Lance sent the ball to #2 Jake.
#2 Jake drove into the lane.
#2 Jake fired off a shot.
#22 Lance went after the rebound.
#22 Lance was able to pull the ball in.
#22 Lance attempted to go back to the hoop.
#2 Jake stepped out to handle the inbound pass.
#11 Luke looked for an open teammate.
#11 Luke moved past the defender,
#22 Lance stepped in to block as #11 Luke moved towards the key.
#11 Luke fired off the shot.
#2 Jake handled the inbound pass.
#11 Luke pulled in the defender.
#2 Jake passed the ball into the lane.
#3 Chandler sent the ball to #11 Luke.
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
#11 Luke fired off a shot from the perimeter.
#32 Kole went after the rebound.
#11 Luke handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake passed the ball.
La Estrella
La Estrella
#32 Kole sent the ball to the side of the court.
#22 Lance fired off the shot from the top of the key.
#32 Kole went for the rebound.
#32 Kole & #22 Lance pressured the ball handler.
#2 Jake stuck to the ball handler.
Family Table Restaurant
Family Table Restaurant
#32 Kole handled the inbound pass.
The Monarchs watched the action on the court.
#32 Kole slowed the Carroll player down as #2 Jake moved across the floor.
#11 Luke looked for an open teammate.
#11 Luke was pressured by the defender.
The defenders were pressuring #22 Lance as he caught the ball.
#24 Easton covered the ball handler.
#3 Chandler closed in on the Carroll player.
#11 Luke went after the rebound.
#2 Jake stepped out to handle the inbound pass.
#13 Blaine fired the ball to the top of the key.
#24 Easton sent the ball to #11 Luke.
#11 Luke went after the ball when it was knocked loose.
The defender closed in on #11 Luke as he grabbed the ball.
#24 Easton sent the ball down the side of the court.
There was a turnover, and #24 Easton covered the Carroll player as he moved into the lane.
#13 Blaine handled the inbound pass.
#2 Jake looked to Coach Fink as he brought the ball upcourt.
The team was focused on the game.
#2 Jake fired off a shot from the top of the key for three points.
#11 Luke pressured the ball handler.
#2 Jake closed in on the Carroll player.
#24 Easton forced the ball handler to recoil.
#2 Jake gave out instructions.
#11 Luke moved toward the paint.
#11 Luke dropped to the floor to get the ball.
#24 Easton passed the ball to #2 Jake.
#2 Jake fired off a shot from the perimeter.
#24 Easton called out the play.
#11 Luke sent off the shot.
#22 Lance went after the rebound.
The Cheerleaders entertained during the break.
#24 Easton sent the ball to #22 Lance.
Coach Fink gave out instructions from the sideline.
#32 Kole went afte the rebound.
#13 Blaine fired off a shot from the perimeter.
Hipnar Lawn Service
Hipnar Lawn Service
#15 Linkin, #10 Camdyn, & #1 Nash came onto the floor for the Monarchs.
#10 Camdyn pressured the ball handler.
#13 Blaine, #22 Lance, and #24 Easton waited to return to the floor.
#10 Camdyn lined up for the free throw.
#15 Linkin, #10 Camdyn, & #1 Nash returned to the floor.
#1 Nash waited on the far end of the court.
#1 Nash moved past the defender.
#1 Nash passed the ball.
#10 Camdyn sent the ball to #15 Linkin.
Schwarte Accounting
Schwarte Accounting
#15 Linkin drove into the lane.
#1 Nash fired off a shot from the perimeter.
Go Monarchs!!!
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