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May, 2024 Edition
Is AI Ready for Prime Time?
Artificial Intelligence has made great strides and has integrated into numerous industries and applications. However, there are obstacles to overcome before AI is ready for prime time. AI must evolve to address anxieties concerning bias, privacy, ethics, and accessibility. Several issues need addressing to guarantee the responsible deployment of AI.

Bias concerns are at the top of the list for many consumers of AI. Programming bias reflects the opinions and attitudes of the owners or programmers of AI products. Bias and fairness issues become more pervasive as the technology is adopted. AI can amplify existing societal biases. The application of ethical principles can ensure AI is a benefit to society.

Privacy is another ethical concern, particularly the protection of personal data. AI collects expansive amounts of data to learn. The data may include personal data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. Most AI are not transparent, so security measures used are not obvious.

People may use AI in malicious or harmful ways. Deep fake recordings and altered images created by AI have already made headlines. Accusations of copyright infringement are rampant among artists and other creators. Accountability is necessary if we are to trust AI-generated content.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to benefit humanity, but only if designed to avoid bias and inequality. Integrating transparent security measures and ethical deployment principles will instill trust in AI consumers. AI has promise, but until ethical issues are corrected, it will not be ready for prime time.
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May 2024 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Smile  Just For Grins  Smile
  • My mind is like someone emptied the junk drawer on to a trampoline.
  • I pray for you... because I don't know how to do an exorcism.
  • I can tell today is going to be a "Does not play well with others" kind of day.
  • Lucky for me I don't have enough friends for an intervention.
  • Why are iPhone chargers not called apple juice?
  • I didn't fall...I was attacking the floor. He knows what he did.
  • Dear math...solve your own problems, I am not a therapist.
  • People say I act like I don't care. It's not an act.
  • If you can read this...there is a 99.9% chance that I am hungry.
  • If I could pass one thing on to the next generations it would be...PULL YOUR PANTS UP!
  • It's not grey hair...It is wisdom glitter!
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Visit the CAIRO website to find out more.
(Scroll to the Assets section on the GitHub site to download)

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